Project TERMINUS Milestones
* Project TERMINUS partnered with the U.S. Department of State to dramatically improve Nigeria’s border security screening capacity.
This partnership led to Nigeria becoming the first African country to implement an automated system for uploading stolen and lost passport documents (SLTD) into the INTERPOL database. This automation was made possible by implementing INTERPOL Washington’s SLTD Uploader software solution.
This effort resulted in 154,162 SLTD records from Nigeria’s national issuing authority immediately being uploaded to the INTERPOL SLTD database.
* Project TERMINUS began direct talks with Kyrgyzstan/ NCB Bishkek for Project TERMINUS assistance and implementation of its Took Kit Solution.
* At the request of The US Department of State, Project TERMINUS begins discussions with Uzbekistan/NCB Tashkent for the implementation of its TERMINUS solutions.
* Project TERMINUS completed its remote assistance to the Maldivian Government, providing a pre-configured server that serves as the Host Nation Stolen and Lost Travel Document Database.
Project TERMINUS remotely provided software and assisted with the final solutions' configuration, installation, and testing.
These solutions led to The Republic of Maldives establishing an internal SLTD Database and enabled the automatic uploading of all travel documents to IPSG.
* Interpol Washington is awarded its 4th Interagency Award (IAA) from The US Department of State, expanding Project TERMINUS in the Western Hemisphere.
Focus Countries: Panama, Mexico, Guatemala, and Columbia.