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Project TERMINUS Milestones 


* In 2023, Project TERMINUS grew worldwide by beginning its TERMINUS country support to Colombia, Tajikistan, Trinidad,                 Cambodia, and Vietnam.


* UNSCB Project TERMINUS led a multi-national workshop on law enforcement and border security coordination comprised of senior     representatives from eleven Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) member countries who met to discuss the potential         adoption of TERMINUS solutions throughout the region. 

  •  This workshop led to the drafting of cooperation agreements with the governments of Thailand, Cambodia, and the Philippines.


* During the expansion in Georgia/Tbilisi, the Project TERMINUS team met with their counterparts virtually over three months to         present the technical solutions available to them via Project TERMINUS. As a result, two servers were procured and sent to NCB       Tbilisi. 

  •  Follow-up technical exchange meetings revealed the desire to enable nominal screening capabilities. The Head of NCB Tbilisi   has submitted this proposal to their MOI leadership for approval.


* In Panama, the TERMINUS Technical Team delivered and assisted in configuring two servers to NCB Panama City as a part of its         continuing support to their Passport Authority. While on-site, they helped in the final configuration of equipment delivered and           scoped/planned any additional Toolkit needs by NCB Panama City. â€‹


* The USNCB TERMINUS team traveled to Belize to discuss multiple Terminus-enabled enhancements with the various agencies.           NCB Belmopan and CIO Belize Immigrations requested that USNCB prioritize deploying TERMINUS tools and services as soon as       possible.


* Project Expanding by staffing Country Support to CARICOM and the Western Hemisphere 

  • Project TERMINUS created and staffed two future positions in support of BSD Operations in the Western Hemisphere.

  • CARICOM-CBP Officer in Barbados covering CARICOM Nations.

  • Western Hemisphere contractor support in Panama covering WHA.


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