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Project TERMINUS Milestones 


* Interpol Washington/Project TERMINUS was awarded its fifth Interagency Award (IAA) from The US Department of State to             continue its work globally.


* Project TERMINUS expanded its global Partner Nation outreach by securing draft agreements to assist in Vietnam, Thailand,             Cambodia, and Columbia.


* Project TERMINUS completed its hardware and software installation with the Republic of Panama. 

  •  In cooperation with the National Central Bureau, Panama City, and the Autoridad de Pasaportes de Panama (APAP), Project TERMINUS completed the delivery and installation of systems that establish a Panama national Stolen and Lost Travel Document database of Panama and facilitate the automatic uploading of stolen and lost passports and travel documents to INTERPOL.

  • This accomplishment increased the number of Panamanian SLTD records in the INTERPOL global database by over 30% to nearly 50,000.


* Project TERMINUS completed its integration efforts with The Department of State PISCES Program. 

  •  This expansion will allow PISCES integration with the existing USNCB i24/7 hosted capabilities.  This enables PISCES clients to     have a persistent interface with Interpol capabilities.


* Project TERMINUS Began initial talks with the UK to joint fund/support an INTERPOL CARICOM Liaison Officer in Barbados. 

  •  This project will be jointly funded by the Department of State and the UK Home Office.

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